Protected B Ready Secure Cloud Hosting

Utilize the tools and software you need – without sacrificing privacy and security.

Industry-leading tools with built-in compliance.

Harness the cloud without sacrificing compliance

Leverage leading SaaS tools hosted with the security you need.

Cloud Service Providers (IaaS/Paas)

OXARO leverages leading cloud providers' infrastructure and platform as a service.

OXARO Protected B Ready Cloud

OXARO hosts the SaaS tool utilizing our Protected B Medium Integrity Medium Availability (PBMM) blueprint, handling all security, privacy, and data residency procedures in line with ITSG-33.

SaaS Partner Software Application

Your organization can now leverage leading SaaS tools through our direct procurement.

Our ever-expanding catalogue of tools:

Don't see the solution you need?

We are always adding new tools – reach out to discuss how we can solve your organization’s needs.



340 Albert Street, Suite 1800 Ottawa, ON K1R 7Y6

Innovation Centre

Downtown Ottawa